Kune Kune pigs, originating from New Zealand, are a delightful and endearing breed known for their friendly nature and manageable size. These small, hairy pigs are characterized by their short legs, round bodies, and distinctive wattles hanging from their lower jaws. At Brimmstone Farm, Kune Kunes are particularly beloved for their docile temperament and sociable behavior, making them excellent companions. They are natural grazers, thriving on a diet of grass and foraging materials, which makes them an environmentally friendly choice for sustainable farming practices. Their grazing helps maintain the pastures and reduces the need for mechanical mowing, contributing to the farm's sustainability. Their charming personalities, coupled with their ease of care, make Kune Kune pigs a popular choice for adding a touch of warmth and cheer to Brimmstone Farm, enhancing the farm's community atmosphere and ecological balance.
Photo by Harley Lin on Unsplash